Business Name Registration/Company Registration

We have everything you need to make your businesses succeed!

Proper registration is one of the important things many small business owners neglect to their detriment. This is because a good number of them think it’s not important and some others who think it’s important assume it will be a very difficult task.

Why bother registering with CAC?

The importance of registering a business can never be over-emphasized.

• For one, when it comes to doing serious business, many agencies will never take you serious if your company is not registered.

• Secondly, you might have to discovered that people and that includes you and I, feel more comfortable paying for services and products into a corporate account with the name of an organisation than paying into Individual account. I once missed an important sale a couple of years ago because when my prospect made up his mind to buy, the account number I sent him was an individual account in my name. He thought it too risky because it was a sizable amount involved.

People feel if the account is in a corporate name, the organization can be traced if the transaction went foul. If you register your company, you can use the documents to open a corporate account with less stress.

• Moreover, if you have a business idea and you go ahead and register the business name, even if you spend 2 years perfecting the plan and raising the capital, for it, those 2 years from when the business was registered can count for you as years of experience.

A little about CAC

The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) was established by the Companies and Allied matters act, which was promulgated in 1990 to regulate the formation and management of companies in Nigeria. The CAC is in charge of registering businesses in Nigeria. They have offices all over Nigeria and in this report, I have included the addresses of their offices in different locations in Nigeria, so finding the one nearest to you should be very simple.

Now let's get started Register Here